Page 259 - Demo
P. 259
259%u201cI have not had chips for a long time. Would you make me a chip buttie sandwich, please?%u201d %u201cWhite bread?%u201d he asked.She nodded.%u201cI wont be long,%u201d he said and left.She thought very fast. Be creative... be creative...An idea. A good idea. Be complicit. Help him be a sadist but not with her suffering. Another?The door opened and he came in with a large piece of white bread, generously buttered and side plate of steaming hot chips. She smiled. %u201cWow! Brilliant.%u201d She told him, and she genuinely enjoyed eating it as he sat silently and watched. When she finished, she returned the empty plate.%u201cYou treat me well despite the fact I do not like being a captive. You desire me. Don%u2019t you?%u201d%u201cThis is why you are here.%u201d He replied.%u201cBut you also do not wish to harm me?%u201d%u201cI am concerned my lust may overwhelm me and I cannot stand the thoughts I would have afterwards.%u201d He told her.%u201cI have a solution.%u201d She said and explained it to him.He smiled. %u201cYes! Let%u2019s do it. Tonight.%u201d He told her. %u201cAre you able to do it without remorse?%u201d%u201cMe? I don%u2019t care about anything after the pain you subjected me to. No remorse from me if it saves me experiencing that again.%u201d She told him. %u201cYou seem to desire a terrible thing to rise your ability to have sex. I desire not to suffer and to find some aspect of happiness as a captive. My life since the recent past has been nothing but abuse and The Girl Who Cried Rape