Page 254 - Demo
P. 254
254There was silence. %u201cFine. I%u2019ll let time pass until you relax and then I%u2019ll strike.%u201dShe stood there, a beautiful young woman, her body unblemished, her eyes sparkling with life, and her lips pale red and soft. The thin white kickers hid a thick tuft of pubic hair and a fresh almost untainted vagina.She screamed in horror and agony as a loud crack echoed from the basement walls, her soft pale lips opened wide, and her tight white knickers were first stained with deep maroon blood. As she took a breath to replace one so fully expelled, another crack rang out and her voice as a chorus sang with its echo.Another line of blood and her knickers still hanging on by a slim sliver or white cotton fabric. Another crack, and the tip of a whip, just blurred motion as it cut through the cotton and bit deep into the soft tissues of her bottom. One pair of blood-soaked knickers slid down to one ankle cuff.Her bare bottom, bearing three deep cuts, felt the unprotected kiss of the whip, a passionate one where the whip, were it a tongue, probed inside her tissues seeking veins and arteries to taste the warm fresh blood.%u201cPerfect,%u201d he said. %u201cFour strikes. No misses.%u201dShe whimpered and was shaking as if there was a chill in the room. He appeared in front of her, lifted her chin with his fingers, and said, %u201cIf you kiss my lips gently and whisper to me, %u2018Thank you, Frank. I love you for the gift you just gave me%u2019, I%u2019ll put the whip away.%u201dShe glared at him in defiance. %u201cI see,%u201d he said. He stepped back and trailed the whip like a long vicious snake behind him. The Girl Who Cried Rape