Page 262 - Demo
P. 262

                                    262he%u2019d put into her. About a third of it poked out from the centre of her blood soaked knickers, which he started cutting. They fell away and he pulled them away from the spike. Steph saw the spike had gone in below her vagina. He pulled it out. Blood dribbled away and slowly ceased. He went to the drawers again and returned with a large dildo that had sharp points sticking out around it from halfway down and to its base. Its diameter was much thicker than a human penis and closer to that of a pint milk bottle.He held it, and again without showing himself, put it around the woman and showed her. %u201cThis is Donald.%u201d He told her. %u201cHe longs to explore your bottom but at the moment, I%u2019m holding him in check.%u201dHe whispered to Stephanie. %u201cHere. Take this. I%u2019ll go around and let her see me. When I say %u2018Abracadabra%u2019 you push it into her bum and force it in until the spikes are just outside.%u201dStephanie took it but was shocked. She did not wish to do it. He saw her look and said, %u201cStephanie. It%u2019s either her or you.%u201dHe went to stand in front of the woman. %u201cI want you to kiss me softly and tenderly and tell me you love me,%u201d he told her.%u201cLove you? You must be kidding.%u201d She said, bravely.%u201cTut, tut...%u201d he said. %u201cLook, Grace, that is no way to speak to me. I am a magician and deserve a little respect.%u201d%u201cYou%u2019re nothing but a fucking monster. Let me go. The other girls saw me getting into your car. When they find out me missing, they%u2019ll go to the police.%u201d%u201cMy number plate is false. I don%u2019t think anyone is coming to rescue you.%u201d He told her. %u201cNow, that kiss, please.%u201dHe closed his eyes and put his lips close to hers. She did nothing.He held up both hands to show her they were empty and said, The Girl Who Cried Rape
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