Page 98 - Demo
P. 98

                                    98The next morning they were in the kitchen. She had made breakfast. %u201cThe eggs are from my chickens,%u201d she told him, putting a plate down of buttered toast and a boiled egg in an egg cup. %u201cWhile we eat, I want you to share the truth with me, Luke.%u201d%u201cYou will find it difficult to believe,%u201d he replied.%u201cMaybe so, but you should try me.%u201d%u201cOkay. I come from a very distant past. My time machine is still experimental and was one of four made and used by a scientific research group I belong to.%u201d%u201cHow far back in the past?%u201d she asked. %u201cI thought the past was one of wood, war, and horses.%u201d%u201cYes, your era is. I come from millions of years ago, before your era started. This era is approximately 5 million years old. The earth is roughly 4500 million years old. Human civilisation has been and gone several times. This, your life, all human life now, are all part of what we call the third era.%u201dShe swallowed some food as she also digested his words. %u201cYou say we have been here on earth more than once? Why is nothing ever found of our presence in the past?%u201d%u201cIn the previous two eras, human civilisation became more evolved than your current level of abilities. Both eras ended with global war. What remained was quickly and completely destroyed by natural processes. It takes only a short time for cities and man-made objects to be completely subsumed by the earth.%u201d%u201cSome fossils of prehistoric animals are found. Why not other human fossils,%u201d she queried. %u201cDinosaurs died out 66 million years ago. They were everywhere. The Time Traveller
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