Page 93 - Demo
P. 93
93would soon be thought to be a possible enemy. He liked the woman. She was intelligent, but much like him in a different way, she was a bit lost too, and it was evident her emotions were unsteady and she was drinking too much.He tried to work out some kind of plan, but nothing workable came to mind.Kelly re-entered the kitchen and sat back down at the table. %u201cI%u2019ve made up a kind of bed in front of the fire for you. I%u2019m sorry I can%u2019t offer you more.%u201d She told him.He decided. %u201cKelly, I have something to tell you.%u201d%u201cI hope its the truth this time, Luke.%u201d%u201cYou could tell I lied to you?%u201d%u201cYes. I%u2019m sure you had your reasons.%u201d She replied.%u201cI am on a mission. I am not an enemy.%u201d He said.Truth, she thought.%u201cI am not permitted to tell anyone here,%u201d he said.Truth, she realised.%u201cI would like to sleep in your bed to comfort you for your comfort of me,%u201d he said.She stared at him.%u201cSorry. An impulse,%u201d he apologised.She poured whisky into the two glasses.She stared at him in silence a while before saying, %u201cDrink your whisky.%u201dHe picked up the glass and was about to drink it when she said, %u201cYou are not from Canada are you?%u201dHe drank some of the whisky and said, %u201cNo. It is from somewhere you%u2019ve never heard of.%u201d%u201cTry me,%u201d she replied.The Time Traveller