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P. 185

                                    185Sarah had returned to shower, dress, and check news and social media. As she washed, she thought about her moment with Daniel. She enjoyed it but she had long ago learnt that men can be deceptive. Some, the stupid macho-types, dinosaurs in this modern age, liked to notch up scores of the number and types of the women they%u2019d fucked. He didn%u2019t seem that type but initial looks could be deceptive.And then that thought... the creature on the video which climbed through her window, it had fucked her. She was sure that was what caused her dream. First it was rape. Second, so fucking weird, she thought.She dried and went into the bedroom to dress, but then realised she%u2019d left the dry cleaning she%u2019d collected, from the local cleaners, down in the hall. The clothes she wanted to wear were in the plastic box. She put the towel on the rail and trotted downstairs. The box was in the hall where she had put it before the big fuss of the sink hole. She heard so much noise outside and sneaked into the kitchen and looked out through the window, careful not to be seen by all the men out there. Dumper lorries were driving up to the hole and unloading huge rocks that fell down into it, causing a rumble and a faint vibration under her feet.Sad, really, she thought. That creature came from down there and now we%u2019re blocking out the sun, the light, and the air from whatever it, %u2018they%u2019 are.She retuned to the box and opened it, searching through for the short dress she wanted. As she knelt there, and after the noise outside subsided a bit, she heard a new noise. It was like chunks of something falling onto soft ground. The cupboard door under the stairs was close The Sink HoleChapter 2: Help
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