Page 180 - Demo
P. 180

                                    180She looked at the mess on the floor, at the empty table, and then at him. Her heart was beating so fast that her face was flushing. Without saying a single word, she sat on the table, slid herself back, and opened her legs. He fucked her as she lay there. It was not gentle like in her dream; it was passionate, lustful, forceful, and she thought%u2014bloody wonderful. She came three times at least. They would have done it again except for the loud knocking at the front door. %u201cI%u2019ll get it,%u201d he said, grabbing the dressing gown from the floor and putting it on. The knocking came again, louder and more urgent. He flew out the doorway.She heard arguing and gruff voices and Dan shouting, %u201cWait! You have no right to barge in there.%u201dThe door flew open and two uniformed, armed soldiers stood there staring at Sarah. She was still naked, standing by the table.Dan was shaking his head and said, %u201cI%u2019m sorry, Sarah. I couldn%u2019t stop them.%u201dShe smiled and said, %u201cNo worries. Please come in, gentlemen. I would offer you coffee, but...%u201d she pointed at the floor, %u201cas you can see, we swept everything from the table so we could fuck each other on it.%u201dA man in a sharp suit entered. He looked around the room, saw her dressing gown on the floor, walked up to it coolly, and picked it up. %u201cPlease Miss, could you put this on.%u201dHe waited until she had tied it, and then he turned and pointed to the two soldiers and ordered, %u201cWait outside.%u201dThey left the kitchen, and Daniel came in. The man in the suit took two chairs and lined them up next to each other before taking a third and putting it opposite. He sat in it and waved The Sink Hole
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