Page 7 - Demo
P. 7
7ended up in the murky depths of the Florida swamps.She was naked. The air was humid more than most nights and the sweat ran down her body. She had removed her clothes before climbing out of their broken down cockroach-infested wooden shack. She had some cigarettes she%u2019d stolen from her mother%u2019s roll-ups, and a few matches. She had take the ones free of pot. She lit one, inhaled deeply, and blew the blue smoke at the moon. Carla wondered what it was like to go to school. The only education she ever had was from a middle-aged who had taken to her and shown kindness. The woman lived deeper in the swamps, a chosen life-style and she was pretty too, but was also a good shot with her scatter gun. No man crept out there to try his luck.Not so for her mother who opened her legs more than a revolving door, when her father was in prison. She never charged much either. She wanted to be fucked as much as she wanted the money.Carla puffed on the cigarette. Would it come again? It was about the same time and she was exactly where it had happened before. At first, it had frightened her that evening, but as it had slithered over her legs she felt a mounting excitement. She had not seen the creature itself despite it reaching out to her. And such a happening was like nothing before.That made it even more precious, like as if a spirit from the swamp had sensed her pain, her life, and had reached out to touch her and give her a moment of joy. She finished the cigarette and pushed the butt into the mud.A new sound. Did she hear it? She looked around at the ground in the shadows and the darkness. Whatever had visited her last time was no snake, but it didn%u2019t mean there wasn%u2019t one out there, although she knew normally the big ones rarely, if ever, left the safety of the murky Swamp Tramp