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                                    3WICKED TALES FROM PANDORA%u2019S BOXBook 8by Mol SmithOut of This WorldIntroductionI realise that my books sexual content are too extreme to be acceptable by either publishers or self-publishing platforms. And if that is the case, I%u2019ll make them into e-books for readers to read on their devices, bar Kindle which can only read the books which Amazon control. Well fuck that. A computer, a tablet and even a phone can read most e-books. And since I can now escape the over-censorship on our era, and provided I stay this side of the law (maybe, who knows), I can really let myself go.At the same time, I consider publishing them despite the extreme imaginings. I have watched many violent films and TV series. Many were extremely violent and often were the highest earning productions. So... why not?Mol Smith /
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