Page 51 - Demo
P. 51
51creatures emerged and instead of dropping into the bucket, clung to her, crawling all over her body; their suckers effective and strong. She tried to remove one but it took all her strength to pry it off, and so she decided to leave the rest be until they let go of their own accord. The one she%u2019d prised off left lots of tiny circles on her body, marks as indelible as the leeches. She loved it and thought it would make her body-patterning unique and very different from Martha%u2019sThe one she had pulled off, she gave a special place to. She pulled the lips of her labia wide apart and deposited it on her clitoris. It immediately clung so tightly there that the sensation made her come again.Martha had mentioned to her that she had missed a cock in their love making, which had given Carla an idea. It was the reason she was by the water%u2019s edge that afternoon. She knew where to look and found a few, but most were small until she came across two large ones. She grabbed hold of them and made them safe. She needed to keep them wet and found a plastic bowl which she filled with water and covered. She%u2019d come for them that night, she thought.One of the things worrying her was the fact that she knew those men might try and return. Martha and her were like magnets to their kind. Two good looking women, undefended and in a place where if the men could rape them, no one was likely to disturb them. The attraction would overwhelm any fear she had put into them that night with the scatter gun. For this reason, she dug a large pit, placed sharpened stakes pointing up at the bottom, and covered it with a thin sheet of plastic, supported by slim tree branches stretched across the hole. It on the direct approach to the house.She carefully smeared mud over it until its existence was hidden and marked it a with a white stone at the edge closest to the house. Swamp Tramp