Page 308 - Demo
P. 308
308He thought for awhile. %u201cI think if Edith were still alive, I would be, yes. But now she%u2019s dead. No. I see life can be very short. The more joy she had, with or without me, the better it is.%u201d%u201cWell done. You should start by saying something like that, I think.%u201d Jasmine said.She opened her legs slightly and leant forward. The room seemed as though someone had just sprayed a scented mist of Jasmine into it. %u201cWhere will I sleep?%u201d She asked.%u201cBut he was taken by the smell and had his own question. %u201cDo you know that sometimes in your presence, you seem to make the air around me smell like Jasmine?%u201dShe blushed. %u201cYes. I know. I had it looked into and apparently it is true.%u201dHe drank more wine, %u201cAnd...?%u201d%u201cAnd, what?%u201d She asked.She blushed again and he noticed. %u201cI%u2019m sorry. I%u2019m embarrassing you.%u201d%u201cYes, you are. Can we talk of something else, please?%u201d She asked.%u201cCan we talk of your days in the Convent?%u201d He asked. %u201cWould that embarrass you?%u201dShe smiled, %u201cNo. It%u2019s the past. Something now dead to me. I live in the now as in truth, it is all each of us have. But it might embarrass you, Ken?%u201d%u201cTry me,%u201d he replied.%u201cOkay. Ask me something.%u201d She told him.%u201cWhat was the worst thing you were asked to do, and did you do it?%u201d Ken asked.%u201cI discovered men can become quite perverted in their fantasies. So many asked me to do the same thing. It%u2019s disgusting but seemed to give The Devil Drops By