Page 43 - Demo
P. 43
43deposited some king of oily substance as well. She thought she smelled like the inside of a can of sardines.As she lay there with the steam rising around her, feeling lovely and warm, she mused about David, their sex, and her moment with the octopus. Their starting point as a couple and their initial sexual activity were most unusual. She was very attracted to him. Would they end up in a long term relationship? Were they compatible enough to do that, to possibly live a life together? She didn%u2019t know. They would need to share a lot more time together in all kinds of different situations to see how they got on. After her last long-term relationship turned sour, she had reservations about any permanent commitments, and as David had lost his wife to a younger man, he would likely have similar reservations too, she thought.She decidedly to dress tarty for fun: fishnet hold-ups, thin silk cameo panties, too-shorter a skirt, no bra, skin tight short top, big band earrings, and deep red lipstick. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror. She looked like a prostitute, she thought, and wondered what David would make of it.She took two bottles of wine from the fridge, checked herself in a mirror one more time, and went next door.He opened it, looked at her, and pointed up the road, %u201cSorry Miss. I think the vicar%u2019s house is up that way. It%u2019s his birthday. I expect the bishop ordered the stripagram for him.%u201dShe burst out laughing and said, %u201cWhat? Don%u2019t you like it?%u201d%u201cLike it? I effing love it. Get in here quick before I eat you alive on my doorstep.%u201dShe went in, and he grabbed hold of her, hugging her body to himself and kissing her passionately. When they broke the kiss, she took her hand from behind her back and held up a DVD. %u201cDo you have Spider