Page 39 - Demo
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                                    39with her. She did as the woman started to explain.%u201cThe octopus may have inserted sperm packets inside you. They will not harm you but we wish to hoover them out for study purposes.%u201d%u201cHoover?%u201d Elaine asked, not liking the prospect of that.%u201cSorry,%u201d the woman replied. %u201cA poor choice of words. We insert a small tube into, er, your vagina, and gently suck the sperm packets out. There%u2019s no discomfort.Hours later, David and Elaine were in his car driving home. They had spoken about the time in the pool, with David telling her that no one had expected the creature to behave the way it did. It was a mystery why the octopus should make a beeline for her and exhibit both affection towards her and carry out sexual intercourse with her.%u201cPerhaps, just the fact it saw I was a female,%u201d Elaine said.%u201cMaybe. What was it like?%u201d David asked.%u201cVery exciting. I came in no time at all. The thought that I was mating with, and being desired by, a male from another species excited me immensely.%u201d%u201cHave you ever watched porn videos on the internet?%u201d he asked.%u201cHasn%u2019t everyone?%u201d she replied.%u201cThere%u2019s lots of videos of men and women having sex with animals on there. Have you watched any of them?%u201d%u201cNo. I didn't even know there were. What animals?%u201d she asked.%u201cPhew. You name it, they%u2019ve done it. Dogs, horses, snakes, eels...%u201d%u201cEels,%u201d she interrupted.%u201cYes. Does it surprise you?%u201d%u201cIn a way, yes. I find it repulsive and erotic at the same time.%u201dHe glanced at her but then looked back out of the windscreen, saying, %u201cWe humans are an odd bunch don%u2019t you think? Spider
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