Page 313 - Demo
P. 313
313Nancy put down the mirror and said, %u201cSee if you can arrange Faith better so she can look down.%u201dThey used the cushion to reposition her at the edge, but then Matilda said, %u201c I have an idea.%u201dShe lifted Faith up and put her down on her own lap, letting her slip down a bit but holding onto her. Matilda opened her legs slightly to grip Faith between them.%u201cIs that comfortable for you, Faith?%u201d%u201cYes, thank you. I ended up weeing. Did I spoil your floor?%u201d%u201cNo. Henry drank it all.%u201d Matilda replied.%u201cOh... that%u2019s so gross. I%u2019m sorry, Henry.%u201d%u201cI loved it. If you lived here, you%u2019d never have to be taken to the toilet again. I%u2019d drink everything your bladder wishes to spill.%u201d Henry told her. Matilda whispered something into Faith%u2019s ear. Faith%u2019s eyes opened wide, %u201cHe wouldn%u2019t?%u201dMatilda nodded he would.%u201cMy God!%u201d Faith uttered in disbelief.A pair of hands came up and gently felt Faith%u2019s breasts as a wet mouth began exploring Faith%u2019s vagina. Henry moved his hands away from her breasts and instead held her face gently as he kissed her. This time, it is was not a gentle soft kiss, but one of passion with his tongue rolling around inside hers.She responded in kind as Dean Frederick expertly sucked and licked her vagina and clitoral area. She felt another tongue then kissing and pushing its way into her anus, and a finger rubbing her and another one entering her vagina.They were all involved. Nancy licking her and Matilda fingering her. Faith came quicker than before, her whole body trembling and Fidget