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                                    172all see the world and our reality through different perspectives. I look at you and see a beautiful and desirable woman. You look at yourself and believe you are fat and unattractive.%u201d%u201cDo you really find me desirable and attractive?%u201d she asked. %u201cYou%u2019re not just saying it.%u201d%u201cTake off your dressing gown,%u201d he said.%u201cWhat?%u201d%u201cI want to see you properly,%u201d he said.%u201cIt%u2019s most unusual to ask such a thing,%u201d she said firmly. %u201cI%u2019m not so sure now, I should sleep here.%u201d%u201cDon%u2019t be silly. I%u2019m not going to pounce on you. You don%u2019t have to remove it but you keep saying you%u2019re unattractive.%u201dShe finished the hot chocolate and looked at him, deep in thought. She was tempted. Indeed, the thought of it, of him, someone she had watched from afar so often, seeing her full frontal and naked, it made her juices flow.%u201cOkay then, but you must stay seated.%u201d She instructed him.He put his hand up and said, %u201cScout%u2019s honour, despite my likely reaction to rush over to you and sweep you up in my arms.%u201d She stood up and stared into his eyes as she untied the dressing gown, slipped it off of her shoulders, and let it fall behind her to the floor. She stood facing him, her eyes unfaltering as she watched him look her up and down.%u201cTurn around fully, slowly,%u201d he asked her in a hushed voice.She did and came back round to face him, then she crouched down and picked up her dressing gown and put it back on.%u201cDo you know something, Sarah. To my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Your thin lithe form shows your skeleton structure, your sinews and muscles off perfectly. If Michael The Sink Hole
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