Page 72 - Demo
P. 72

                                    72%u201cYes. I understand. I think my fee is slightly lower than an agency and yes, it is expensive. It means giving up all my pursuits other than say reading, and a bit of painting. I%u2019m sure you understand how demanding it is?%u201dTina nodded. %u201cOh, yes. You can say that again.%u201d%u201cDoes she need my help with using the toilet and bathing?%u201d%u201cYes. She can walk a little but her balance has gone. You%u2019ll have to take her and... um...%u201d%u201cI understand. None of that is a problem for me. I have done it many times.%u201d Keith said. %u201cWould you like me to do a trial period first... see how see gets on with me?%u201d%u201cYes. Can you start this Sunday. We could see how things are after, say, two weeks?%u201d%u201cFine with me,%u201d he replied. %u201cGood. Let me give you the grand tour.%u201d Tina said.She took him upstairs and showed him the double room next to hers and then her bedroom, and the bathroom.%u201cThere%u2019s another bedroom but it has no bed or furniture. I ended up using it like a storeroom,%u201d she told him.He looked at her and wondered if she had a man, but knew it would be impolite to ask.She looked at him and wondered if he had someone. He was a handsome man. %u201cDo you have someone you like to see?%u201d She ventured.He smiled. %u201cI wish. But with the work I%u2019m doing, it hasn%u2019t been possible to form a relationship with a female.%u201dNot gay, then she thinks.%u201cAnd you,%u201d he asked.%u201cHuh. Too full-on minding mum,%u201d she replied.The Carer
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