Page 343 - Demo
P. 343
343After so much sex and perversion, I thought one less of the same might be better .It was the kind of day he really did not wish to go out in. He had to go or the others might find out that he was a %u2018he%u2019 and not a %u2018she%u2019 like the others believed he was. It was the rain that was the problem. Yes, they needed to find food and to scout in case more of the reds were seen; they were out there somewhere but he was no soldier, just a simple worker. Probably, he was stronger than all the females now going out but should he ever show it, the consequences would be bad for him%u2014very bad. They would then realise he was different.A sister ran up to him and tapped him. %u201cCome on. It isn%u2019t bad yet,%u201d she said and ran out to be ht and destroyed before she had travelled more than a few steps%u2014an unlucky strike which hit her full on.He made a dash for it and reached the first bit of shelter below a large leaf. The strikes were raining down more often now with increased fury. Their community was short on food. It had rained every day for the last week. He saw a large shrub not too far away and made a dash for that, zig-zagging madly as strikes burst all around him. He made it and trembled, trying to calm down after so much fear.He felt a vibration beneath; a tremor below his feet. Fuck! Worm. Right below him. A bloody earthquake. And if I can get more sisters to come, it%u2019d be a meal for all for a week. He saw a sister not far away, herself sheltering below a rock.He waved but she never saw him. He would have to risk going over. Anyway, if he remained he knew the earth would swallow him. He closed his eyes, opened them, and dashed out, dodging the water Chapter 1: AntonWar