Page 334 - Demo
P. 334

                                    334Ken was amazed to see no blood there.Nancy stood up, turned, and smiled, %u201cThere. All okay physically. Now come into your kitchen. We need to talk.%u201dThe Dean had arrived. Ken had opened the door and taken him into the kitchen. Nancy repeated to him what she had learned from Ken. The Dean and Nancy looked at each other. And they then tuned to Ken.%u201cMy dear boy. Please sit down. We have much to tell you.%u201d The Dean said.Ken sat.%u201cOur beautiful Jasmine has been used by the devil. You must understand that what we will tell you, Jasmine has not done. The Devil has done it. Your wife was deliberately killed. The Devil probably used Jasmine to drive the car. Jasmine is unaware of this. Your wife has been fucking not just the head but all the male tutors at the school. Again the Devil%u2019s work. The devil guided the hand that made Henry burn her shop and the devil%u2019s servant held him there to burn to death.%u201dKen cried.Nancy put her arm around him. %u201cIt is no one%u2019s fault. You love Jasmine, I know. She is completely unaware the devil is inside her doing this. We never told her when it invaded her before. She is a victim too because she has a pure heart. This is why he chose her once again. We can drive him out so he can never possess her again. She loves you, too. It is your joint love that will provide the answer we never had before.%u201dKen nodded.%u201cWithout your help, we can%u2019t save her.%u201d The Dean told him. %u201cAnd she will slowly be completely be taken over by it. Her love for you is real. Make no mistake about it.%u201d%u201cWhat do I need to do. I truly love her.%u201d He said.The Devil Drops By
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