Page 327 - Demo
P. 327

                                    327They sat in a large park by the river in Oxford City. A lot of people were there enjoying the afternoon sun, sitting or lying on the grass. Ken took out the picnic box, and a thermo flask. %u201cI made cheese and pickle and egg mayonnaise. Which would you like, Jasmine?%u201d %u201cYou choose. I%u2019m okay either way.%u201d She replied.%u201cOkay. I%u2019ll have the cheese and pickle.%u201d He told her, handing her a Clingfilm-wrapped sandwich. %u201cThank you. Most of the flowers I ordered will arrive tomorrow. I%u2019ll have a bit of work to do to make the reefs and bouquets.%u201d Jasmine told him.Ken unwrapped his sandwich and started eating. %u201cAren%u2019t you worried that if you rob the bank, you%u2019ll be caught?%u201dShe shook her head. %u201cNo. I won%u2019t be. There is no way they will ever know it was us.%u201d%u201cHow can you be so sure. Won%u2019t the manager confide in the police about being blackmailed?%u201d Ken asked.She smiled. Her legs were bent with her feet on the ground and she opened her legs slightly. The perfumed smell of Jasmine joined with the light, cooling breeze. She was aware that others on the ground in the park would see her knickers if they looked her way.%u201cI think Mr. Jarvis will no longer be with us,%u201d she said in a soft voice as if to ensure no one could hear.%u201cMy God. You aren%u2019t going to kill him, are you?%u201d He exclaimed.%u201cKenneth. I%u2019m surprised at you for even thinking such a thing,%u201d she replied. %u201cI will do no such thing.%u201d%u201cBut you sa...%u201d%u201cI believe Mr. Jarvis has heart problems. I suspect all this will give him a heart attack. I just hope it doesn%u2019t happen until I have my money The Devil Drops By
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