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                                    292then you can treat me.%u201dThey were in the Thai restaurant. Ken saw that the owners knew Jasmine and made a big fuss of her. They ordered their food with Jasmine guiding Ken%u2019s selection.%u201cDo you take all your clients here, then, Jasmine?%u201d He asked.%u201cNo. You%u2019re the first. I%u2019m normally here on my own every Friday night. I don%u2019t have a boyfriend. Most of my girl friends got married and have children so I rarely meet them for nights out.%u201d%u201cWhere do you live?%u201d%u201cI have a rented flat above my flower shop.%u201dThe food was served along with a bottle of wine.They ate and chatted, but it was mostly small talk until Jasmine said, %u201cWhat will you do now? Will you stay in this area or move back to London?%u201dHe stopped eating and said, %u201cI feel life has come to an end to be honest. Losing Edith is a fatal blow to my heart.%u201dShe stopped eating and slid her hand across the table to touch and hold his. %u201cYour bed is cold and empty isn%u2019t it. I know that feeling. The one true boyfriend I had died four years ago of an incurable disease. I am only just over my loss. If I can do it, you can too. Edith would have wanted you to go on for both of you.%u201dShe removed her hand and filled his glass.%u201cYou%u2019re very kind,%u201d he told her. %u201cWhat did you do?%u201d%u201cI fell into a mess. I started taking drugs and making a ruin of my life but then something happened which turned me around.%u201d%u201cTell me.%u201d He said.She smiled. %u201cMaybe later. Let%u2019s get the bill. A drink in the pub?%u201dThe Devil Drops By
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