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                                    274He showed her many more items and they were there for over halfan-hour. %u201cShall we go and see how Grace is?%u201d He asked her.%u201cOh, yes. Let%u2019s,%u201d she replied, excited.They opened the door to the bedroom and went inside. Grace%u2019s eyes darted to see them. They were wide in fear,%u201cAre you feeling better?%u201d Frank asked her. Stephanie saw she was chained to the bed.%u201cYou%u2019ve come to kill me, haven%u2019t you?%u201d Grace said.%u201cNo, no, no. Quite the contrary. There%u2019s no gain in killing you. Not for a long time, yet. Maybe years.%u201d He explained. %u201cI%u2019ve washed you and cleaned your wounds and stitched your external wounds. Your bottom will heal quickly, I%u2019m sure.%u201d%u201cThank you,%u201d she said. %u201cWhy are you dong this?%u201d She asked. %u201cWe are sadists. We get sexually excited by doing such.%u201d He told her.%u201cCan%u2019t you have sex like normal people?%u201d She asked.%u201cNo,%u201d Stephanie said. %u201cIt%u2019s addictive. Here. I brought some whisky for you.%u201dShe handed her a glass filled to the brim with whisky.Grace took it. %u201cWhy?%u201d%u201cTo celebrate the fact that you are not going to be killed. You will have good days and bad ones.%u201d Stephanie said.Grace sipped the whisky and said, %u201cAnd today?%u201d%u201cIt%u2019s both good and bad,%u201d Stephanie replied with a smile. %u201cBut finish your drink first as we have a busy night ahead. It will be late by the time you get back here to bed.%u201d%u201cPlease don%u2019t hurt me yet. Not until I have had a day or so in peace.%u201d Grace pleaded.The Girl Who Cried Rape
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