Page 21 - Demo
P. 21
21Martha lived about two miles away. Carla would use the leaky wooden boat to reach her, she thought as she put her shorts and tee shirt on. She took her bowie knife from where she hid it and put the belt holstering it through the loops of her shorts.She checked herself in the mirror and smiled as she felt fervent activity inside her vagina. It made her pause and consider, %u2018how could the creature%u2019s sperm do that, create such a physical presence%u2019? She shrugged and went out to catch some leeches. They were always easy to find. You simply stuck a leg into the swamp where the water was deeper , leave it in for half a minute and pull it out before they stuck to it. You scoop through the water where your leg had been%u2014and hey presto, a net on a stick that was packed full of leeches.She came out of the water and sat down at the edge, looking inside for the very larges ones as she pulled her shorts down and placed as many as she could fit over her labia and her pubic area. They were hungry and took hold immediately, attaching their blood-sucking mouths to her skin. She was trying to arrange them so the scar circles they left behind would be evenly distributed. When Carla was satisfied, she looked down and felt quite excited. She had used far too many%u2014her entire pubic area was so covered with them, it was impossible to see any pink skin at all.It encouraged her to go further. She drew back her arm and hurled the remaining contents of the net out into the swamp, before putting going to the edge and putting both legs into the water. She drew them out after a minute, one or two leeches had grabbed hold of bony areas of her foot and fell off. She scooped her net though the water and brought it out, delighted to see it was chock full of very large ones. She Swamp TrampChapter 2: Martha