Page 188 - Demo
P. 188
188Rachel moaned and quivered as she came. She paused but felt Stephanie take hold of her head and rubbed herself with her face until she groaned and shook as well.They laid back together on the floor holding hands. %u201cMy first time with a woman,%u201d Rachel said. She turned her face to Stephanie and said, %u201cThank you. I enjoyed sex with you.%u201d%u201cHopefully, the boffins will match us for a few sessions again together.%u201d Stephanie said.She got up and looked at her watch. %u201cI think we should all sleep soon. We have an early start in the morning. I have an idea for one last moment of sex. You two men draw cards. Whichever of you draws the highest can decide who he will fuck, me or Rachel. And the other of you gets the other of us. And we%u2019ll go to bed and do it there and sleep after. Who wants another drink first?%u201dRachel found a bottle of Brandy and poured shots into four tumblers. %u201cHere we go. One last drink each.%u201d She told them.They took the drinks and Luke said. %u201cI think you two girls should cut and the one that gets the highest card chooses. I think it%u2019s unfair to ask us men to choose. I for one am more than excited to have sex with either of you.%u201d%u201cAnd me,%u201d said George.Rachel shuffled the cards and put the deck down onto the table. %u201cI think we%u2019ll let you guys decide. We%u2019re fine to fuck either one of you. Cut!%u201dLuke cut the ten of clubs. George cut a queen. %u201cUp to you, George,%u201d Luke said.George looked up at them both. Can I see you both in your under wear please?%u201d He asked them.The Search For Consciousness