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                                    376fine. Also, men prefer to come into my rectum rather than my vagina. I always think that%u2019s weird as I have a perfectly warm soft place for a cock to go, and they%u2019d prefer to stick in their. It beats me. It really does.I first appear in Pandora 3. It is on sell but Mol is currently reediting it, as the software checkers did a poor job. He is going through it now, as I speak, by hand. When he%u2019s finished, he%u2019ll re-release it. Many of the books have characters that re-emerge in other stories in other Pandora books. I seem to pop up a lot.Anyway, I%u2019d best go. It%u2019s another open evening at the convent and I have visitors to attend to. Many are troubled and I like to think visiting me gives them a great relief.Thank you for listening, and for reading about me.%u201dLove,Nancy
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