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                                    209was tightly in place.She immediately felt calm and contented again. Her body was warm, relaxed and glowing.Sarah was sixty years old. It was her birthday and like she had for the past so may years, she slid Corfu out of her vagina. Long ago, she had discovered with him safely tucked up inside of her, she wanted for nothing. She was always contented and looked forward to sex with him once every year. He didn%u2019t mind either, saying to her telepathically, he just wanted to feel safe.She poured some water over him and waited for him to restore. She now lived in a two storey cottage in the country and was considered by many to be well off. Her work over the years had bought her the life she had hungered for; isolation. and a space away from others out in the green countryside.%u2018Here I am.%u2019 his voice said in her head. She hugged him, not wanting to let him go from her body. %u2018Happy birthday.%u2019 he mind-told her.%u201cI expect you want to eat first?%u201d she asked him. %u201cAs it%u2019s my sixtieth, I thought I would treat us both to a whole weekend of sex. Would you like that?%u201d she asked him.%u2018Like it? Let%u2019s get the eating over with and get started,%u2019 he mindsaid.%u201cI%u2019ll go upstairs and lie on the bed ready for you. We have never let you use your tongue. I%u2019d like to try that today. You go and fill your tummy,%u201d she told him and went upstairs.She left him eating. She was quite thrilled and despite her age, she had kept her figure, and many people she met in the village thought she was about forty years of age, not sixty. She put it down to having Corfu The Sink Hole
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