Page 198 - Demo
P. 198

                                    198known.Sarah was driving to the supermarket. Corfu was high up inside her. At first, with so much butter and oil inside herself, every time she%u2019d stood up, she had felt him sliding out. She had put on three pairs of ultra-small panties so that every time he slipped out an inch, the panties stopped him, and she could put her hand down and push him back in. After an hour or so, the problem faded away. Her body m u s t h a v e a b s o r b e d t h e lubricants and she felt him nestled tightly up inside, she concluded. As she drove, she began to realise that she felt a soft warm glow all over. It was like she had taken a mild tranquiliser, her body relaxed, her mind no longer anxious. Even when she checked herself in the mirror before she%u2019d left home, for the first time in three years, she%u2019d thought to herself that she looked great%u2014not too fat, maybe a little thin, but a good figure and a pretty face.The Sink HoleSarah has a secret
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