Page 144 - Demo
P. 144

                                    144like a maze. Eventually, they entered a room with a single desk and a very old model computer and monitor. You simply type in what I said and the account details are revealed to you. You can access the account and manage it, including arranging to collect gold from it in a physical form.%u201d Plum told him. %u201cIf you type in %u2018List of Targets%u2019, it will bring up a list with photos of all the men and women here who are award-winning army personnel. The list is shared with other contracted gangs. Names on it are deleted as kills are made and money awarded.%u201dHe typed in as she had instructed him, accessed the account, and discovered the tidy sum of eight million in gold was securely lodged. He brought up the list and saw currently, one hundred and fifty-one male and female soldiers remained in the city. He instructed the computer to print out the list with photos.%u201cCan you wait for it to finish printing, Plum, and bring the print-outs to the main entrance area, please?%u201d Kyle asked her. %u201cI%u2019m going to speak to the women here.%u201d%u201cSure,%u201d she replied. %u201cYou are showing kindness to them, Kyle. I hadn%u2019t realised you had a soft centre.%u201dHe smiled and left.It wasn%u2019t easy finding his way back along the maze of corridors and it took him several goes at retracing his steps as he went around blind turnings. He knew the maze was deliberate to delay any intruder from reaching the computer room. He emerged into the entrance area which was now full of women. He quickly checked to see if his two men were armed and outside, and was pleased to see they were with two more inside next to the closed entrance doors.He found a chair, stood on it, and fired a low yield shot at the ceiling, creating a splintering electric ripping sound to gain attention. They all turned to look at him. He saw fear and alarm on their faces.The Brothel Amongst The Stars
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