Page 130 - Demo
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130%u201cIt%u2019s difficult to believe, but I can see why they might do that,%u201d he said.%u201cIt is also why you must leave here. Others will now be contracted to find you,%u201d she told him. %u201cYour army chiefs know your hotel location and room number.%u201d%u201cKyle. Good to see you, and with a beautiful woman, too. How is your recce going?%u201dKyle turned to see Norman coming towards him.%u201cI%u2019ve popped back to change,%u201d Norman said, as Kyle noticed splashes of red on Norman%u2019s jacket.Kyle pointed at them, knowing it was blood. %u201cTrouble?%u201d he asked. Norman nodded. %u201cA street robber. Bastard tried to knife me. I slit his throat.%u201d%u201cWould you like a drink? This lady is Plum by the way,%u201d Kyle said.Norman put out a hand. %u201cNice to meet such a beautiful woman.%u201dShe shook it. %u201cI%u2019ll have a whisky, please.%u201d Norman replied.Kyle got a round of drinks in and suggested the three of them sit at a table away from the bar where their conversation could not be overheard. After they were seated, Kyle told Norman about his run in with killers at the brothel and shared what Plum had told him.Norman listened with a serious face. %u201cWhat do you make of it?%u201d Kyle asked him.Norman drank from his glass and said, %u201cI am not surprised. Our bosses are only interested in owning more money and land. It looks to me like we can wave goodbye to our pensions, if not our lives.%u201d%u201cYou both need to disappear from the system here. You will be hunted down,%u201d Plum said. %u201cI know where you can go. I%u2019ll take you when you finish your drinks.%u201dThe Brothel Amongst The Stars