Page 122 - Demo
P. 122
122right now,%u201d she said and pointed over his shoulder.He felt it then%u2014the instinctive feeling of great danger; the gut sensation that had saved his life in endless battles. He pulled out his banned concealed weapon, turned, saw they were armed and shot the three men dead, there in the street in front of tens of witnesses.The woman clapped. %u201cBravo, Kyle my hero.%u201dHe turned back to her. She said, %u201cIt might be best if you come with me, post haste, before their gang leaders come out of that brothel across the street, where they are currently torturing the females and fucking them for their pleasure.%u201dKyle remained cool. He always did in a crisis. It was another trait that had brought him in comparative safety through ten years of the most fiercesome fighting.%u201cWhat%u2019s your name?%u201d he asked her.%u201cPeople call me Plum.%u201d%u201cI want you to come with me into that brothel,%u201d he said.%u201cWhy?%u201d she asked.%u201cI want you to identify the leaders so I can kill them too,%u201d he told her.%u201cHuh. Why should I do such a thing?%u201d she asked with a scoffing laughter.%u201cSo I don%u2019t shoot you in your pretty face and leave you here as dead as the three I just despatched,%u201d he replied. %u201cI%u2019m not so blind as to not realise you were to distract me while they came to rob me.%u201d%u201cI was, but then I wondered if I saved you if you might rescue me and take me away from their clutches. It%u2019s best if you come with me.%u201d%u201cYou work in there?%u201d he asked, turning and reading the brightly lit animated sign, %u201cThe Brothel Amongst The Stars.%u201d%u201cI am not a prostitute,%u201d she told him. %u201cI%u2019m a front person, touting to The Brothel Amongst The Stars