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49highly talented, her life had been stolen away by a humble insect. Tragic, he thought.The mother was keen on a low profile funeral, and she wished to avoid the homage of fans turning up, wanting only close family and friends at the service and burial. Caroline, as the daughter was called by her birth name rather than her stage name, had expressed wishes about not being cremated, believing it to be an atmosphere pollutant.Dawn, his front office attendant is at the door. He knows she has a key. She was unaware of his attention, busy searching her bag for it. He opens the door. %u201cOh! Good morning Mr. Tucker,%u201d Dawn says.%u201cMorning, Dawn. I was just checking the cleaner%u2019s work. We have a possible client coming today. Quite important for the business.%u201d%u201cYes. Don%u2019t worry. I%u2019m well aware,%u201d she replies.%u201cRight, good. When she arrives, press the call button and I will come in suited up and take her into our chat area,%u201d he told her.%u201cYes, I know,%u201d Dawn replies. %u201cIs everything alright, Mr. Tucker?%u201d%u201cYes, yes. I%u2019m just a bit anxious. That%u2019s all. Business has been a bit slow so we need this one,%u201d he tells her.%u201cPlease don%u2019t worry. You have an impeccable reputation. I am sure she will choose us.%u201dHe nods. %u201cI%u2019ll go and get my suit on.%u201dA short time later, the buzzer sounded in his attached home. He walked down the short corridor and entered the front office. The woman was standing there with her husband.%u201cPlease come through to our private area. Dawn here can make you coffee or tea. What would you both like?%u201d John said to them.%u201cAnn will have a cup of tea, please. Two sugars and milk. I would like a strong coffee. No milk, no sugar. Thank you,%u201d the husband said.%u201cI%u2019ll bring it in,%u201d Dawn told them.John Tucker took the mother and father into the private chat room and began a conversation with them. Dawn readied the tea and coffee. She took them in, retuned to the front office, and sat down behind the desk. She thought they would be The Undertaker