Page 389 - Demo
P. 389

                                    389locked.She tried to cough as blood trickled down into her lungs. Alan reached out for the lighter, clicked it on, and heated the end of another skewer until it was red hot and glowing at it%u2019s tip. He yanked out the skewer from her neck and put the hot tip of the other skewer against the hole, letting the flesh melt together and sealing the wound.He removed it, heated it again, and pushed it slowly through Annie%u2019s breast who, unaware it was about to happen, screamed like a wounded animal into the night air.He pulled it out, heated it again, and then pushed it into her other breast, stabbing as many times there as he could until the skewer no longer glowed. He slid his cock out of Diana%u2019s throat and Nancy, Hazel and Lillie watched a yellow and red lava spurt up like a hidden volcano had erupted on Hazel%u2019s lawn.Alan slid over both the women, back and forth, covering them with glistening slime until they were almost encased in it. And then he began fucking Annie again, but as he did, he leant sideways and sucked Diana%u2019s clitoris, drawing it into his mouth, lifting his head with it trapped between his teeth until it tore from her body. He picked up a skewer, pushed it into the bloody hole an inch, wiggled it viciously, pushed it in a bit more, wiggled and angled it with stabbing motions, pushed it again until it scrapped against her pubic bone, pulled it out, and repeated it: one tiny wound hole on the outside: total healthy organ structure inside, tuned to mincemeat.Hazel could take no more. %u201cThis is evil. I can%u2019t stand it. I%u2019m going to stop it,%u201d she said in a loud voice.Alan heard it and looked towards her, not stopping from his fucking. Hazel saw glowing red eyes in the dark and pin-hole black pupils, and she shivered.%u201cYou spoke too loudly, Hazel, love.%u201d Nancy said. %u201cLillie, quickly, we need to get away. Come with me before he gets here.%u201d %u201cI%u2019m not frightened of him. I love him. I%u2019ll stay next to Hazel.%u201d Lillie said.Nancy shrugged and slipped off into the dark.The Equestrian
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