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led her to the downstairs toilet. %u201cPut your head over the bowl facing up,%u201d Nancy told her. Annie knelt down and leant back so her head went down a little into the bowl. %u201cOpen your mouth,%u201d Nancy said.And Nancy sat down and strained to release everything she had in her bowels. She heard the echoing sound from between her legs in the toilet bowl. It reminded her of a pack of wolves discovering a freshly killed deer, and they were taking chunks out of its warm throat and swallowing them greedily before another pack member might steal it away.She waited a while to see if Annie was polite and civil, and was pleased to discover she was when she felt Annie%u2019s tongue clean all trace of defecation from her anus.She stood up, turned, bent down, and tongue-kissed Annie before saying, %u201cYou are a caring, refined woman. We need not mention this to anyone. Your secret is safe with me.%u201dAnnie stood up, licked her lips clean, and said, %u201cI have missed that for so long. I%u2019ve never told Emmanuel. It began in public school. A card game dare, but of all the others, I was the one who discovered I bloodywell loved it.%u201dNancy kissed her.%u201cYou must attend our open evenings at the convent. I will talk to the sisters and find out who can most please you. We should go back in now.%u201dThey heard the door bell go. %u201cI wonder who that is?%u201d Nancy said.They returned to the living room to discover it was full of young people. There were five or six beautiful young women, none looked older than twenty, and they were dressed in night-club gear that would have put a pub stripper or a street prostitute to shame. The guys were similar in age, very manly, well dressed in the fashion of the day, a few visible piercings and tattoos, but all slim and fit: Da Vinci perfect human shapes, Nancy thought.She made a bee-line for one of them who seemed less engaged with chatting to the girls. %u201cAnd what is your name, young man?%u201d she asked.The chap went red.354The Equestrian