Page 209 - Demo
P. 209

                                    209as green slime fell from the slit of an open screaming mouth, to fall in never ceasing sheets down onto her body. He climbed between her legs, and started to fuck her, violently, hard, smashing into her with his cock and covering her face with a green slime running from the mouth and nostrils of his mask. He picked up one of the skewers and plunged it into her breast, carried on fucking her as he pulled it out, and stabbed her repeatedly and in a frenzy. She didn%u2019t scream. She shouted, %u201cThat%u2019s it my lovely demon. Let yourself loose on me. Fuck me, stab me, soil and wreck my innocent body.%u201dJohn never heard the Dean coming down the steps, or his footsteps on the hard concrete floor as he walked calmly up to the table behind him.%u201cFuck me, destroy my breasts as you cum your dirty seed into my deep cunt,%u201d she screamed at John.He picked up with three of the skewers, poised them and shouted, I%u2019m coming, and brought the skewers down stabbing unceasingly into her breasts as he screamed out in orgasm.%u201cNow, Dean,%u201d Nancy screamed. And the Dean yanked off John%u2019s mask and poured a bowl of liquid over his head. John screamed out as if it were sulphuric acid. The Dean started to cross himself, chanting Latin, and putting his hand onto John%u2019s head. Half a minute later, John collapsed unconscious with his head falling across Nancy%u2019s blood soaked breasts.The music ceased. Nancy looked up at the Dean and said, %u201cIs it done. Have you exorcised it?%u201dThe Dean nodded.He untied her and took her into his arms. %u201cAnd John, our lovely John? Nancy said, rubbing his head, %u201cWill he be okay?%u201d%u201cYes. He%u2019ll be fine. But look how badly you%u2019re damaged. Let%u2019s get you upstairs,%u201d the Dean said.%u201cNo. We wait for John,%u201d she replied firmly. %u201cI%u2019m young. God loves me. My breasts will heal just fine. We had to pull the demon out at the moment it was strongest.%u201dThe Undertaker
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