Page 190 - Demo
P. 190
190%u201cUnlike Jennifer%u2019s moment in the loo, Dawn was not disappointed. Six fat, horse-smelling men burst in, ripped the clothes from her body, dragged her into the cubicle, bent her over the toilet, pushed her head down into the shit and piss, and took it in turns to fuck her arse and her cunt; lifting her head out of the filth in the bowl only long enough for her to snatch two or three breaths. They left her hanging over the bowl, unknown to them%u2014still experiencing so many repeated orgasms, that she weed all over the floor and fell asleep; she was fulfilled, at peace with the anxieties and fears of dying. All such worries had been swept aside by the excitement, horror, repulsion and unbelievably perverted sex she had desired and had managed to make happen by design and intent. She woke up ten minutes later, stood up, and gathered her clothes. She walked bravely past the jeering men and returned to the shop.She found Jennifer in the shower as she sought it immediately herself.They washed each other, went into the bedroom, found fresh underwear, stockings, sharp royal blue suits, fresh crisp white blouses and returned smartly-dressed to the basement; appearing as if they were fresh and ready for a day at the office.%u201cChrist, where have you two been?%u201d John said. %u201cWell John, we cannot lie to you. We went to the Nag%u2019s head to get gang-raped by Jack and his cohorts,%u201d Dawn told him.%u201cYou did what?%u201d%u201cWell, other than Alan, you, and the Dean, no-one else in here could provide us with what really excites us?%u201d%u201cAnd that is,?%u201d John asked.%u201cRepulsion, revulsion, pain, and brutality. Just the good old normal things,%u201d Dawn replied.%u201cAnd what was it like? Did they hurt you?%u201d he asked, his face full of concern.%u201d%u201cNah,%u201d said Dawn. %u201cLike naughty little children playing with a kid%u2019s stolen toys. Not real men at all.%u201dShe looked around. %u201cSo, what%u2019s occurring here?%u201dSecretly, he was annoyed at Dawn and Jennifer, but he hid it as he The Undertaker