Page 164 - Demo
P. 164

                                    164could not escape; the perfect bondage of a human being and the perfect greedy assault on her to please desire without conscience or worries of consequence.Alan fell onto Dawn%u2019s back, puffed out and unable to talk, his mouth and nose running down on her like Niagara Falls.%u201cYou are an outstanding lover, Alan. I%u2019ve never witnessed such lust, desire, and intent. I think you have wounded her and given her pain. It will have added to her bliss when she orgasmed. I understand what you did. I want you to do something as dark and torturous to me and I want you to snog me while you do it. I want you to cover my face with your filthy slime and destroy my vagina with your cock.%u201dHe panted, %u201cJennifer?%u201d%u201cShe wants the same straight after,%u201d Dawn replied.%u201cIf you lied face down on top of her I could do both your arses and your cunts together. That was not my fasted or strongest thrusting. I held back a lot because I was concerned the rig and my pounding was causing too much damage and pain to Gyro. I was distracted as I thought the rig would collapse. I had hoped to pierce her and release my seed into her tissue and feel her hot blood run out as I came.%u201dDawn put Alan into his chair and ran back to John. He was up next to Caroline, his back hiding the fact he had her mask lifted away. Dawn watched as he put it in back into place.He turned to Dawn.%u201cThe sound wasn%u2019t her,%u201d John told her. %u201cApart from bruising and surface cuts from the bindings, and the wounds in her breasts she is okay. Her English and way of talking has massively improved. She said to me this: %u2018Hello, John. I can see again. I enjoyed that a lot. I loved watching that cock go in and out of me, knowing it would squirt me full of sperm%u2019.%u201d%u201cDid you ask if she wished to get out of that rig?%u201d Dawn asked.%u201cI did. I also asked if I should remove the skewers. I said I wanted to get her out as I feared she was getting hurt,%u201d John said.%u201cAnd?%u201d%u201cShe said, %u2018Fuck off, John. What%u2019s a little discomfort. This is perfect for sperm collection. More please,%u201d John told her.The Undertaker
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