Page 135 - Demo
P. 135
135and he open-mouthed kissed John with his tongue inside John%u2019s mouth, tasting his own sperm, and drawing some of it into his own mouth.The kiss broke and they both swallowed.The two women clapped loudly. %u201cWell done, John. Did you enjoy it?%u201d%u201cI bloody-well did. Immensely.%u201d%u201cAnd you, Dean?%u201d %u201cYes. Beautiful. We must do it again together John and fuck each other,%u201d he replied.I%u2019m game for that at the weekend,%u201d John replied. %u201cFeeling your sperm burst into my mouth, the anticipation of it, feeling your excitement and hunger, knowing my mouth, my actions, were controlling and causing that in you... why... I nearly came myself when you shot your cum onto my tongue and it splashed down my throat. I have never felt anything so new, novel, and exciting. My revulsion, strangely, added to the pleasure.%u201d%u201cOkay, it%u2019s good. Now lets get down stairs and clean up down there. I suggest you two men go down and do that. Myself and Jenny will clear up the bedroom, use a hairdryer on the mattress, and put the duvet, sheets and pillow cases in the washing machine.%u201dIt took the rest of the day and half of the evening to sort everything out. Joe was in a foul mood, but after the men inspected his damaged cock, and treated it with mild antiseptic and a few stitches, John told him it would be as good as new again in a few months. Joe left as soon as he was dressed, and after John returned his things to him.The vicar was okay, saying his arse was a bit sore, nothing else. They told Jason, that Jennifer was going to stay behind, and that she did not wish to se him. He simply shrugged and left with Conrad. Annabel was concerned about Nancy, and indeed, when John checked her, she was very badly damaged. He told the vicar to drop Annabel off at the convent and to tell the head sister that Nancy was staying with the Dean for a week to help him with clerical work.John told Nancy, he was keeping her here so he could treat and nurse her with Dawn%u2019s help.The Undertaker