Page 120 - Demo
P. 120
120%u201cWe put some tools under the pillows our heads are on to help you,%u201d they said as one. Jenny squeezed Dawn%u2019s hand and their other hands dropped down to start wanking the men, sometimes their allotted partner, other times swapping over, but stopping as they felt the lust and the cycle to orgasm start in them again. They were frustrating them, causing them to grow angry and animal-like with lust and intent. They had hidden double edged razor blades under the pillows, and one other thing hidden elsewhere.John located his razor blade and began carefully, and mindfully, clearing strands of lace to slowly reveal Jennifer%u2019s vagina. The Dean followed slightly behind.The two women twisted their heads and snogged each other while dropping their hands and wanking the men again. Every time the men ceased their activity of clearing a way in, and instead dropped their heads onto their breasts murmuring and groaning as their cycle built to climax, the two women stopped and instead stroked each other breasts and told each other in loud voices how desperate they are to be fucked.The men used the razors less carefully, often causing cuts in the sensitive areas of the women, but finally they saw two closed vagina%u2019s. They tried pushing their cocks in, but the vaginas never opened their lips.Dawn squeezed Jennifer%u2019s hand, and the two girls whispered softly into each of their men%u2019s ears, %u201cWe super-glued our lips together, both the inner ones and the outer ones. What%u2019s wrong with you. We desperately want you to fuck us. We are hungry to feel your cocks exploding sperm into us. Why are you so slow? You have the blades. You want to fuck us or not? Cut your way in!%u201dAnd their hands fell to the men's cocks and masturbated them fast as the two men desperately slid the blades between the women%u2019s outer vaginal lips, and sliced as best they could but failed to get in. Jennifer squeezed Dawn%u2019s hand and they both said, %u201cCut-throat razors might be sharper. There was only one in the drawer. We closed it and inserted it into one of our anuses.%u201dThe two girls stopped wanking the men and rolled over onto their fronts, denying both the men the knowledge of which anus had the cutThe Undertaker