Page 31 - Demo
P. 31

                                    A door bell rang. She stood up, made hip movements, and she lifted her arms and danced.%u201cDo you think me wrong? Daniel believed the strong helping the weak was worth his daily sacrifice. He was an angel. He gave me his soul to fix my earthly life. Or...%u201d%u201cNo! I took his life as that is what he would have wanted for me really.%u201dShe opened the door and went through it, leaving an empty dark room, the table and the old note book, lit by the candle- lightEndThe Samaritan%u2019s Gift31%u201cDid it work? Did taking the last breath of that lovely man, who would do anything to help another live a better life, save mine?%u201d%u201cThat will be the taxi. Myself and Daniel%u2019s soul are off to dance madly in a night club to celebrate being alive and enjoying being so.%u201dGipsy played by Luca Pelso, Male played by Sean Botha.
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