The series of Pandora books about short stories which merge explicit sexual stories with science fiction and fantasy. A few of them, probably books 6 and 7 can be considered to be pornographic and quite extreme. For this reason, the author has decided not to seek physical publication. We live in an era of increased censorship: a new techno-Victorian age. Even stating your thoughts can be corralled by the minority woke into being offensive to someone. You can no longer accuse someone of being fat, or skinny; it is considered wrong if you say you are against Muslim women wearing black veils which completely obscure their faces, or if you suggest Islamic beliefs subjugate women and therefore extreme versions have no place in our western countries where women are not 'owned' but are free and liberal.

By a similar token, you cannot write books about anything you want. Books with any sexual content, become little more than children's stories due to censorship taking the meat out of the stories. Although some of the stories in the Pandora books involve rape, group sex, sex with aliens and machines, all the stories have been created as dark-satire and comically-exaggerated fantasies to free readers minds from all reins and harnesses that shackle their capacity to enjoy such under modern censorship rules, despite the fact that the stories do not seriously advocate such terrible things. These are stories of fantasy and contain actions that should  NOT be carried out in physical reality.

The author makes this clear in the books themselves.

If children or people below the age of 18 wander into this site, it is not my fault. It is that person's parent's fault for not strictly monitoring what their child is up to. If you don't want your child encountering pornography, violence, bad people, and suffering mental illness, don't buy them a mobile phone until they are mature enough to survive intact in an increasingly chaotic world and keep them away from a computer where you are unable to see what they are doing.

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