Latest Film to be presented here in the MEMBERS / SUBSCRIBERS AREA ONLY in March 2024
It's too explicit for wider distribution. Watch the trailer now.
We are now making more MOVIES
Heads up. New talent. Fresh faces. Our latest movies 2023. Watch in our cinema.
Available now!
Beauty With A Dark Heart

A beautiful woman brings sad news to an antique dealer
and asks him to teach her witchcraft.
Available now!
ScareBnB - MADE! Watch it here
A young woman is discovered in a local forest by a married couple who take her home
and try to help her. But they have placed themselves in grave and unexpected danger, and exposed their AirBNB guests to the same. (Warning: Brief non-sexual nudity)
Blood Chess - MADE! Watch it here

A beautiful vampire, hunted by a vengeful slayer, is out of power and must resort to a last chance. She arranges to meet her hunter and play a game of chess with him. The prize? Her restoration via his blood or her death by stake or other means. A twist in the telling of Vampire fables. (Warning: Brief non-sexual nudity)
The Good Samaritan - MADE! Watch it here

A woman with a crippling disease is riding her E-bike when it breaks down. A man acts as a good Samaritan rescues her and discovers he is about to give her a gift which he never signed up for. (Warning: Brief non-sexual nudity)
The Ambassador - MADE! Watch it here

A woman arrives in a place outside of a local town and is helped by the very person she has come to seek out. She is dying and only he can save her but hot on her trail is a vengeful assassin. (Warning: Brief non-sexual nudity)
The Beauty With a Dark Heart - In production (release December 2023)
A very beautiful woman seeks out an antique shop owner and tells him some bad news. But she also wants something from him. The powe to transform into any beast of her choosing.
The Haunting 2 - In pre-production (release January 2023)
Eve 3 - In pre-production (release Febuary 2023)
Pandora 5 (The Evil) - In production (release January 2023)
Stay tuned over the coming months!
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